Saturday, April 14

So I talk to this asshole after 4 fucking years and he waits till 5 in the morning to profess his carnal desires for me. I feel like such a slut. Why is it that I let creeps like him get the better of me every bloody time?
I mean, really, what is it with men? Did he forget the time he cried over his dog's death in front of me for 4 straight days. Or when he felt insecure about his writing career and broke that whole i'm-the-man-with-everything-going-for-me-glorious story. And everything else. How we reached a point beyond mindless conversation. How I could do the flamenco in front of him and feel more beauty than what my art could give.

But no. It's really true I guess, that people forget everything that you say and all that you do for them. All that remains is being horny within the sheets.
After 4 fucking years...he cannot even be bothered with maintaining the pretence of having a cup of coffee first. Nooo....I'm the red-blooded Indian male who will eternally conform to my expected levels of female commodification.
Fuck you bastard. I hope someone hangs you by the thumbs till you die. And then I'l make freakin' lampshades out of your sex-starved skin.


InExile said...

why don't you hang him yourself ?

i know at least 3 other people who are/have been in similar state of minds/situations about/with men ...

i like to think that i understand their point of view !

jairaj said...

Sounds desperate...

jairaj said...

ya kill em...

LostLittleGirl said...

@exile...I'm sure you do!

@exile & @jerry.. If and when I kill such men, I shall post pictures of my conquests over here for you to peruse...blood and gore included.

Anonymous said...

Dont go hanging. If the sex is good, fuck him, forget him and fucking move on. Not worth wasting your time...and their skin makes for horrible decoration. :)
T'was a surprise to find you dropping in on the page...