Monday, May 14


Brilliant. My first tag and the vaguest one at that..
5 truths about me:
1. I detest the whole idea of 'God'. My issues are more expansive than He's-never-done-anything-for-me stance. And as much as I try to keep an open mind towards ultra-religious people, more often than not, my look of disgust gives me away. Like how I recently fought with my flat mate over not keeping the goddamn Puja table in the hall or anywhere else in the house as it didn't go with my my envisioned 'look'. Of course he sat with head in his hands, muttering about my atheism and how I'll come around and how it's so sinful and blah blah blah. But I had just about had it with 'Saturdays are not good for haircut' kind of nonsense from these morons.

2. I'm extremely judgmental about everyone. I immediately slot people into categories they closely resemble once I meet them, and rarely have they broken out of it. I once read of how there are some 9 types of personalities in this world and everyone fits into one kind. I know it sucks to do this so I try not to admit it. But when I meet some girl who's just come to Delhi freed from 6 pm deadlines back home in Ludhiana pick up smoking within one week of arrival, I feel I'm getting somewhere with people in general.

3. If I'm quiet, that means I'm thinking more than what I could possibly say. I'm almost never blank and am constantly over - analyzing situations and people. This kind of nihilist thinking results in one taking long walks on busy roads, chain smoking, trying to devise ways to do something... about the beggar who's cut his daughter's legs to invoke sympathy, or the kids I teach, or anyone else I'm incapable of helping beyond one day. Then self does really dumb things like switching off the air conditioning for the whole day or cancel my shopping for a week, and later feel quite stupid over the pointlessness of it all.

4. I hate being in a relationship because they demand so much out of you, in every way conceivable. Ultimately, there are too many questions and so much insecurity and you hate yourself for being so helpless as to force one to be with people who are so wrong for you that can't breathe. Now, I'm too commitment phobic to bother with all this, and anyone encroaching into my space either unravels my rebel-without-a-cause persona or the plain nervous as hell one.

5. I can't tolerate stupidity of any color, sex, creed, shape or size. Stupid ignorant people, stupid books, stupid music. The kind of 'I have never read a newspaper in my life and I don't really know jackshit about this but I still want to give my gyaan to you because I heard someone say the exact same thing on tv' ..Or the sorts who say Dubai is in fucking Africa and think its perfectly okay not to kill yourself when other people KNOW that you actually said that...or people who read Da Vinci Code and treat it like the fucking Wasteland. Or when really dumb people hear you out and say the same thing to others, without giving you credit for it. I just feel there's no point in your existence if you don't even try to make yourself aware of all that is happening...and eternally keep on kidding yourself on the basis of your parents equally dumb opinion of your fictitious IQ level.

And this I can't resist... Why do people bother smoking Ultra Milds? I mean, if you're going to smoke that shyte that actually feels like breathing air in and out, then you might as well not insult smokers and quit your 'smoking' altogether. This is so 'I can't really take it in but I think smoking makes one look really cool so I'll still make a prized ass out of myself but smoke these gay cigarettes.'

Er...I just realized that 5 truths about me roughly translate into 5 things I hate. Maybe Monday, maybe everyday. Ha ha.


Anonymous said...

heh. i make it a point to get haircuts on tuesdays/saturdays.

and to look cool, you smoke marlboro reds. i think they smoke those things with white filters and golden linings cos they don't wanna die too early. something like that.
still better than those lsr type girls who smoke like someones making them do it at gunpoint.

Anonymous said...

these youngies - so self involved

InExile said...

you were right about the whole wavelength thing..

CandidConfessions said...

Blunt! nevertheless, it is nice to know that there are people who admit that they are judgmental!

Spider42 said...

Brilliant one, I really enjoyed that.
In fact I agreed with a lot of it.. certain parts reminded me of, well, me!
Now that I think about it, added twist, out of the 5 the ones that hit home as i said, are 1,3 and 5, all the odd ones... isnt that - odd? :P
But I definately agree 100% with the smoking thing! (DISCLAIMER: No offense intended to any gay people out there, just certain patterns of speech and expressions that are hard to get around.. sorry)Sometimes I feel that ciggy's being called "fags" came from as you so aptly put it, 'gay cigarettes'.

jairaj said...

:) Thanks. Your points are much cooler than mine.

whitelight said...

He He. 'Gay cigarettes'. Sounds pretty wacky.

LostLittleGirl said...

Big eyed: Hehehehe..Oh god, so know what you mean. And some of them survey the room after each drag, as if saying...'did you see? did you see? I'm smoking!!' Ha ha

Exile:Yes,I know, Surreal..your blog my blog ..:)

Candid:Well, better to know your demons beforehand so that you can hide it better no? Hehe..Thanks for dropping in..:)

Duuude: Thunk u!! You know this is so weird..just right now I realized that they saying taking a 'drag', and also 'fags' as you astutely mentioned. My mind this another Da vinci theory in the making? You know codes and all that..we could be rich!
p.s. And yes, it's odd.

Jerry: Thunks!:)

Whitelight: hehehe..I use 'gay' as an adjective incessantly. But as dude said, really, no offense to anyone gay..and I love the picture...not gay at all!

whitelight said...

Patti Smith's picture? Ah! What a portrait. Stunning.

moonstruck maniac said...

'gay ciggarettes', and i continue to laugh. 1. Not just saturdays but even thursdays and tuesdays are not goot for hair cut or a shave. Huh? I never found the answers to these.
2. Slotting people into categories is something I wont call judgemental. It is actually helpful.
3. Often I end up doing useless things, wasting my time on something that I am unsure of. Hmmm what can i say more when i do the same things. chuck it
and Delhi is full of people who don't know anything and claim to know a lot. I personally don't like DA Vinci Code that much, but since its a matter of opinion, all i can say is that I can't tolerate idiocy of any kind. Ultra milds, marlboro lights etc etc. Crapp!!!

woenvu said...

someone in college said the same thing about the iPod shuffle as you did about Ultra Milds. According to him, people sport shuffles to be seen with it; music listening being incidental.

me, i walk around with earphones plugged into my ears and the jack nestling in my pocket so that people think i'm a. listening to music so don't unnecessarily start convos and b. think i can't hear what they're saying. heh.

LostLittleGirl said...

Moonstruck: Did you think I liked that book? Nahinnnn...hehehe. No, I hate it..whole point is that a lot of people claim to be voracious readers and then peruse such popular Da Vinci(which is an idea most people already knew about anyway), and other stuff lined up in book shelves at airports. And then they want to know what you read and if you mention Elliot..they they are like..'Ya, he's a great poet.' WTF??!
Good...I'm delighted to find kindred spirits in the battle against idiocy..:)

Anti: Oh..The ipod deserves a complete blog post..I hate it! We really live in terrible times..never thought a bludy Ipod would be a status symbol. And I thought this shit happens only in Delhi..
I do the same thing! ..Better to have RATM blasting your ears instead of yet another person gossiping for the nth time..

LostLittleGirl said...

Actually WAY better

woenvu said...

heh, diff is, i don't have RATM through my ears.

more interesting to listen to the chatter when desired, and completely ignore at all other times.

and yes, the iPod is a menace. is it just being anti-establishment by not possessing one? most who do own one swear by it..

Spider42 said...

hmmm.. theres an idea...
maybe, michealangelo was part of a freemasonic group that was charged with the templars treasures and it can only be located by finding the last scion... I figure that has to be tom hanks (how else do explain his career?!), so we solve the clues, take him to the secret spot and make him smoke gay ciggy's at the right time of day at the right time of year and all secrets shall be revealed!!
hows that? ,:D

on a side note:
antickpix, ipods are the tools of the devil!!
no not really, just kidding!! actually, i hate them for what theyve become.. they can be pretty handy for music fans who just want to enjoy some tunes, but we live in this stagnant, post modern, social standing driven, status symbol obsessesed, money and fame grubbing, self absorbed, apathetic society sadly lacking innovation and individuality and... well you get the picture...

LostLittleGirl said...

Hehehehe..Awesome! This is what we ought to do, then I can finally quit on my boss from hell and live a peaceful life with loads of money..:)
And maybe Tom Hanks will smoke those ridiculous filter thingies...MOST gay..hehe
I totally agree with the Ipod argument, now I don't have to blog about it perhaps..

LostLittleGirl said...

Anti: Hmmm. So Do I hate it because I'm anti establishment?
Probably not, its just the ridiculously over hyped advertising concentrated on an average product that ticks me off.. and people are paying that much because they don't know any better.

life_as_a_box said...

Oy there's really nothing LEFT for me to say...hehehe...amen to the cigarette bit. I think we should all revolt and smoke bidis. I don't know why I just said that...

Anyway, your bluntness I bow to, and stop saying "the mind boggles"...:D

What's ur take on everyone wearing bathroom chappals?? Isn't it time that shit passed on?? And anyone who says it's for "comfort" is a pure yupurban liar types....

LostLittleGirl said...

Kya?? Bidis? Please dahhling.. that's just too downmarket for me. I have to be cool first you see, everything else follows..hehe
So you have a thing against bathroom slippers? How have you been surviving all this while because apparently everyone in Pune wears just that!
The mind truly boggles..ha ha ha

whitelight said...

bidi is the real deal. try and ask those ultra-mild smokers to suck on one of those.

LostLittleGirl said...

Hehehe..the only time I've smoked bidis is with chaukidars in Udaipur, and taxi drivers in Mumbai..Good fun. Yes, way beyond the Ultra Mild ambit.

InExile said...

we shud talk someday..

LostLittleGirl said...

This reminds of that Gnr song.. one in a million. Ha ha ha.
We I finally see why :)

Martinezpvmh said...

:) Thanks. Your points are much cooler than mine.